The Bowen technique is a hands-on therapy that uses specific moves over muscles and soft tissue to help re-align your whole body.
These moves are designed to stimulate a natural re-balancing process and are often gentle and relaxing to receive. 
The main way that Bowen differs from physiotherapy and other modalities is that a Bowen Treatment is always aimed at treating the whole body. 
By bringing the whole body into balance in a safe and natural way, Bowen has been found to be effective at helping resolve both acute conditions as well as long standing chronic conditions.

When you are booking a Bowen Therapy treatment with Suffolk for the first time, it is recommended that you plan to attend at least two treatment sessions, approximately one week apart. This allows the therapist to assess your initial response to the technique and follow up the first treatment accordingly.
Everything that is discussed within the treatment room is completely confidential and will not be discussed with anyone else. Where appropriate you will be taken through a series of simple muscle tests to determine various ranges of motion and to check for any imbalance or dysfunction.


An initial treatment can take up to 60  minutes. Follow up treatments usually take 40 - 45 minutes. 

An aftercare advice sheet will be emailed to you after your initial Bowen Therapy session. Reactions to treatment are not uncommon and can include tiredness, increase in original symptoms, stiffness, headaches, flu like symptoms and emotional releases. These are perfectly normal as your body under goes subtle changes and healing.

please enquire at [email protected] 

The body is held under tension in the soft tissues. An imbalance anywhere in the body will have a knock-on effect and often results in pain in another area. By naturally re-balancing the tension in the body, Bowen therapy often addresses the under lying issue and even chronic pain can resolve quickly.

Yes. Treatment for neck pain is very comon for Bowen. 

Yes. Bowen is very effective in treatment for Sciatica. 

Please call on 

07855 734877 or email [email protected]

Yes. Bowen treatments are very effective for back pain.